Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing 21

I liked doing a photostory of my family pictures. Friends at school always send me albums of slideshows they have created and I never knew how they did it. Now I know how to do my own. Every year for Open House I have put together a power point of my students doing various activities to be playing while I was visitng with parents. Making a photostory would be so much easier and faster. I tried several times to download the video straight to my blog but for some reason it would not work. Here is the link to photostory via Switchpod.


VWB said...

photostory will upload into Blogger, but it all depends on how you save it! must be saved as .wmv (not wp3 which is the default project save) go back to that screen and look in the center.

here is some help
PhotoStory Help

Soaring Eagle said...

I did save it as .wmv. It downloads my video just fine but gets stuck while trying to process it. I even took out some of the pictures thinking it was too long and still nothing. I just tried again and it did the same thing.