Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thing 12

I am not usually one that will leave a comment on a blog. I am that "passer by" who just reads them and keeps going. I think the main reason is because I always thought people put blogs out there to be read and not necessarily to be commented on. Little did I know, they WANT me to comment and after reading and doing these 23 things, I am finding it is also a way to start cool conservations and meet new people. I am all about that! Cool Cat Teacher said to make the comment meaningful. When reading some blogs, I have noticed people that just respond with, "Cool!", or "I agree!" My question was always, what is cool or what do you agree with? The blogger could have made several points or asked lots of questions. Because I like to talk, this would not be my style of commenting. If anything the blogger would have to tell me enough is enough, stop already. The other point I liked was made in the 10 Commandments of Commenting, come back. Too many times I have read blogs and comments and noticed that there are rarely comments made by the same people. A conservation is not one liners.

I read several blogs to comment on, but the one I liked the most was by Mommyjane. Most blogs I have read made me cry, her's made me laugh out loud. I commented that same thing to her. I really needed a laugh this morning!

1 comment:

Alabama Librarian said...

I never realized blogs were supposed to be conversations either until completing Thing#12. I would not be one to post a comment unless it was "heartfelt" as Doug Johnson put it.